Do Repeat and Referral Sales Really Matter?

“25 per cent of your success in business is getting a sale from a customer. Another 25 per cent of your success comes from getting repeat sales from a customer. A whopping 50 per cent of your business success comes from getting existing customers to recommend and promote you to their friends, associates and colleagues.” - Ross Reck ‘Turn your customers into your sales force’ 

That means around 75% of your business success depends on making repeat sales to existing clients and getting those same clients to recommend you to the people they know.  

Is that where YOU focus most of your marketing activities? Probably not. 

If you’re like most business professionals, you focus your time and money on finding NEW clients, only. You’re overlooking a fortune in easy repeat and referral sales from existing clients, customers or patients every month.  

Let’s fix that.  

Grab my FREE CHECKLIST: “4 Powerful Techniques to Get Referrals WITHOUT being Pushy”

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